European Frog-bit Monitoring

Detecting an invasive species early provides the most realistic chance for management activities to successfully eradicate the population. However, aquatic invasive plants are often cryptic and difficult to locate before widespread population growth. Detecting a species requires thorough surveillance of all preferred habitat for a given species. Documentation of surveillance efforts provides critical information on where the target species is found and where it is not.

The European Frog-bit Collaborative developed a series of ArcGIS tools to assist managers in the Great Lakes region with monitoring and delimiting European frog-bit.

EFB Collaborative applications

All EFB Collaborative applications are hosted through ArcGIS Online. To contribute data, you must have an ArcGIS account.

Already have an ArcGIS collector account / login from your institution? Request to join the EFB Esri Group.

Don’t have access to an ArcGIS account? Request a free “community account”. Once you have been given an account, log in with the credentials provided to you.

Visit our EFB Collaborative Hub Site to see all apps, maps, and associated resources:

Visit the EFB Collaborative app Hub site!

Delimiting European frog-bit in the Great Lakes region

The delimitation app is designed to collect European frog-bit (EFB) surveillance data across a broad range of environments including large waterbodies such as coastal wetlands, inland lakes, or rivers. All data will be collected on the EFB Collab AIS Survey map in the ArcGIS Field Maps app. The application ensures standardized data collection across all locations surveyed for EFB.

The app requires an ArcGIS Collector account. Request access to join the group here:

Delimitation App ResourcesExample schematic of conducting EFB delimitation survey

Prioritizing monitoring locations

The Survey Prioritization and Data Editor web app serves dual purposes: to assist managers in planning European frog-bit survey locations by visualizing the existing data along with relevant ancillary datasets, and to give data contributors a way to edit survey data that they have collected and shared. Ancillary datasets in the map include information on protected areas, boat ramp locations, dams, wetlands, and watershed boundaries as well as relative wind exposure for Great Lakes sites. EFB observations in the MISIN database are also included. Data contributors can edit features they have already created and create new features. Contributors are only able to edit features created using their own account. Detailed instructions are included in the How to Use This Map pane, which can be reopened by clicking the info icon in the upper right corner.

Resources & Publications

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